"Identifying Peer Influence in Massive Online Social Networks: A Platform for Randomized Experimentation on Facebook."

Sinan K. Aral and Dylan Walker. In Sunbelt XXX Social Networks Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy: June 2010.

"Creating Social Contagion through Viral Product Design: A Randomized Trial of Peer Influence in Networks."

Sinan K. Aral and Dylan Walker. In International Conference on Network Science 2010, Cambridge, MA: May 2010.

"Distinguishing Influence Based Contagion from Homophily Driven Diffusion in Dynamic Networks."

Aral, Sinan K., Lev Muchnik and Arun Sundararajan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 106, No. 51 (2009): 21544.

"Cramer's Rule: How Information Content Moves Markets."

Sinan K. Aral, Panos Ipeirotis and Sean J. Taylor. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Systems Economics 2009, Phoenix, AZ: December 2009.

"Testing Three-Way Complementarities: Incentives, Monitoring and Information Technology."

Sinan K. Aral, Erik Brynjolfsson and Lynn Wu. In 30th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2009), Phoenix, Arizona: December 2009.

"Identifying Peer Influence in Massive Online Social Networks: A Platform for Randomized Experimentation on Facebook."

Sinan K. Aral and Dylan Walker. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Systems Economics 2009, Phoenix, AZ: December 2009.

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