"Tractable Approximations to Robust Conic Optimization Problems."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Melvyn Sim. Mathematical Programming Vol. 107, No. 1 (2006): 5-36.

"A Robust Optimization Approach to Inventory Theory."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Aurélie Thiele. Operations Research Vol. 54, No. 1 (2006): 150-168.

"Dynamic Pricing: A Learning Approach."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Georgia Perakis. In Models for Congestion Charging/Network Pricing, 45-79. New York, NY: Springer, 2006.

Optimization over Integers.

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Robert Weismantel. Belmont, MA: Dynamic Ideas, 2005.

"Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control for Multiple Products."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Sanne de Boer. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management Vol. 3, No. 4 (2005): 303-319.

"Optimal Inequalities in Probability Theory: A Convex Optimization Approach."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Ioana Popescu. SIAM Journal of Optimization Vol. 15, No. 3 (2005): 780-804.

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