"Conservation Laws, Extended Polymatroids and Multi-Armed Bandit Problems; A Unified Polyhedral Approach."

Dimitris Bertsimas and José Niño-Mora. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, edited by Giovanni Rinaldi and Laurence A. Wolsey. Erice, Italy: April 1993.

"On a Characterization of the Minimum Assignment and Matching in the Independent Random Model."

Dimitris Bertsimas and Florin Avram. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, edited by Giovanni Rinaldi and Laurence A. Wolsey. Erice, Italy: April 1993.

"Further Results on the Probabilistic Traveling Salesman Problem."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Louis H. Howell. European Journal of Operations Research Vol. 65, No. 1 (1993): 68-95.

"Simulated Annealing."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and John Tsitsiklis. Statistical Science Vol. 8, No. 1 (1993): 10-15.

"Stochastic and Dynamic Vehicle Routing in the Euclidean Plane: the Multiple-Server, Capacitated Vehicle Case."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Garrett Van Ryzin. Operations Research Vol. 41, No. 1 (1993): 60-76.

"Transient and Busy Period Analysis for the GI=G=1 Queue; The Method of Stages."

Bertsimas, Dimitris and Daisuke Nakazato. Queueing Systems Vol. 10, No. 3 (1992): 153-184.

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