"Development of a Framework to Classify MOOC Discussion Forum Posts: Methodology and Challenges."

Glenda S. Stump, Jennifer DeBoer, Jonathan Whittinghill, and Lori Breslow. In EducationXPress, Cambridge, MA: 2013.

"​MIT’s Institute-wide Planning Task Force Strategic Response to the Global Financial Crisis."

Hastings, Daniel, and Lori Breslow. Presentation, IMHE 2010 General Conference, Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly: Doing More with Less, Paris, FranceSeptember 15, 2010.

"MIT's Institute-wide Planning Task Force Strategic Response to the Global Financial Crisis."

Lori Breslow and Daniel Hastings. In Proceedings of the IMHE 2010 General Conference, Higher Education in a World Changed Utterly: Doing More with Less, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France: September 2010.

"​Wrestling with Pedagogical Change: The TEAL initiative at MIT."

Breslow, Lori. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, September 2010.

"​An Educational Developer’s Autobiography."

Breslow, Lori. In Creating a Profession: Building Careers in Educational Development, 33-35. London, UK: Staff and Educational Development Association, 2010.

"Problems, Pitfalls, and Surprises in Teaching."

Breslow, Lori and J. Mark Schuster. In Strategies for Teaching Assistant and International Teaching Assistant Development, 28-33. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2007.

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