"Lift all restrictions on rupee."

Kothari, S.P. The Economic Times, February 1996.

"Change campaign finance laws."

Kothari, S.P. The Economic Times, February 1996.

"A Market-based Evaluation of Discretionary-Accrual Models."

Guay, Wayne, S.P. Kothari and Ross L. Watts. Journal of Accounting Research Supplement Vol. 34, (1996): 83-115.

"Switch institutions, not shares."

Kothari, S.P. The Economic Times, January 1996.

"Telecom: The ring is missing."

Kothari, S.P. The Economic Times, December 1995.

"RBI intervention: A bad idea."

Kothari, S.P. and Clifford W. Smith, Jr. The Economic Times, November 1995.

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