"Sensitivity of Multivariate Tests of the CAPM to the Return Measurement Interval."

Handa, Puneet, S.P. Kothari and Charles Wasley. Journal of Finance Vol. 48, No. 4 (1993): 1543-1551.

"Fundamentals Largely Explain Stock Price Volatility."

Kothari, S.P. and Jay Shanken. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 6, No. 2 (1993): 81-87.

"The Economics Determinants of the Relation Between Earnings Changes and Stock Returns."

Ball, Ray, S.P. Kothari and Ross L. Watts. The Accounting Review Vol. 68, No. 3 (1993): 622-638.

"Growth Rates, Not Levels."

Kothari, S.P. and Jay Shanken. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance Vol. 6, No. 3 (1993): 111-112.

"Information in Prices About Future Earnings: Implications for Earnings Response Coefficients."

Kothari, S.P. and Richard G. Sloan. Journal of Accounting and Economics Vol. 15, (1992): 143-171.

"Price-Earnings Regressions in the Presence of Prices Leading Earnings: Earnings Level versus Change Specification and Alternative Deflators."

Kothari, S.P. Journal of Accounting & Economics Vol. 15, No. 2-3 (1992): 173-202.

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