"When Does Information Asymmetry Affect the Cost of Capital?"

Armstrong, Christopher S., John E. Core, Daniel J. Taylor and Robert E. Verrecchia. Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 49, No. 1 (2011): 1-40.

"Are US CEOs Paid More Than UK CEOs? Inferences From Risk-Adjusted Pay."

Conyon, Martin J., John E. Core and Wayne R. Guay. Review of Financial Studies Vol. 24, No. 2 (2011): 402- 438.

"Have the Tax Benefits of Debt been Overstated?"

Blouin, Jennifer, John E. Core and Wayne R. Guay. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 98, No. 2 (2010): 195-213.

"An Economic and Ethical Approach to Charity and Charity Endowments."

Core, John E. and Thomas Donaldson. Review of Social Economy Vol. 68, No. 3 (2010): 261-284.

"Is There a Case for Regulating Executive Pay in the Financial Services Industry?"

Core, John E. and Wayne R. Guay. In After the Crash: The Future of Finance, 115-140. Baltimore, MD: Brookings Instiution Press, 2010.

"Discussion of Chief Executive Officer Equity Incentives and Accounting Irregularities."

Core, John E. Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 48, No. 2 (2010): 273-287.

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