"Identifying and Anticipating Cyberattacks That Could Cause Physical Damage to Industrial Control Systems."

Angle, Matthew G., Stuart Madnick, James L. Kirtley, and Shaharyar Khan. IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal Vol. 6, No. 4 (2019): 172-182.

"Blockchain Isn’t as Unbreakable as You Think."

Madnick, Stuart. MIT Sloan Management Review, November 13, 2019. Download Paper.

"Beyond Keywords: Tracking the Evolution of Conversational Clusters in Social Media."

​Houghton, James, Michael Siegel, Stuart Madnick, Nobuaki Tounaka, Kazutaka Nakamura, Takaaki Sugiyama, Daisuke Nakagawa, Buyanjargal Shirnen. Sociological Methods and Research Vol. 48, No. 3 (2019): 588-607. Download Paper.

"Casting the Dark Web in a New Light."

Huang, Keman, Michael Siegel, Keri Pearlson, and Stuart Madnick. MIT Sloan Management Review, July 15, 2019.

"Decision-Making and Biases in Cybersecurity Capability Development: Evidence from a Simulation Game Experiment."

Jalali, Mohammad S., Michael Siegel, and Stuart Madnick. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems Vol. 28, No. 1 (2019): 66-82. Download Paper.

"Health Care and Cybersecurity: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature."

Jalali, Mohammad S., Sabina Razak, William Gordon, Eric Perakslis, and Stuart Madnick. Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 21, No. 2 (2019): e12644.

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