"An Information Product Approach for Total Information Awareness."

Richard Wang, Thomas J. Allen, Wesley Harris, and Stuart E. Madnick. In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT: March 2003.

"Semantic Interoperability in the Fixed Income Securities Industry: A Knowledge Representation Architecture for Dynamic Integration of Web-Based Information."

Allen Moulton, Stuart E. Madnick and Michael D. Siegel. In Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii: January 2003.

"Assuring Information Quality."

Ballou, Donald, Stuart E. Madnick and Richard Wang. Journal of Management Information Systems Vol. 20, No. 3 (2003): 9-11.

"The Design and Implementation of a Corporate Householding Knowledge Processor to Improve Data Quality."

Madnick, Stuart E., Richard Wang and Xiang Xian. Journal of Management Information Systems Vol. 20, No. 3 (2003): 41-69.

"Context Interchange Mediation for Semantic Interoperability and Dynamic Integration of Autonomous Information Sources in the Fixed Income Securities Industry."

Allen Moulton, Stuart E. Madnick and Michael D. Siegel. In Proceedings of the 2002 Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Barcelona, Spain: December 2002.

"Financial Information Integration In the Presence of Equational Ontological Conflicts."

Aykut Firat, Stuart E. Madnick and Benjamin Grosof. In Proceedings of the 2002 Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS), Barcelona, Spain: December 2002.

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