"Scalable Interoperability Through the Use of COIN Lightweight Ontology."

Zhu, Hongwei and Stuart E. Madnick. In Ontologies-Based Databases and Information Systems, 37-50. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

"Querying Web-Sources within a Data Federation."

Lynn Wu, Aykut Firat, Tarik Alatovic and Stuart E. Madnick. In 7th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2006)., Milwaukee, WI: December 2006.

"Improving Data Quality Through Effective Use of Data Semantics."

Madnick, Stuart E. and Hongwei Zhu. Data & Knowledge Engineering Vol. 59, No. 2 (2006): 460-475.

"Reutilization and Legal Protection of Non-Copyrightable Database Contents."

Hongwei Zhu and Stuart E. Madnick. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Law and Technology (LawTech 2006), edited by Carole D. Hafner and Maureen O'Rourke. Cambridge, MA: October 2006.

"A Lightweight Ontology Approach to Scalable Interoperability."

Hongwei Zhu and Stuart E. Madnick. In Proceedings of VLDB Workshop on Ontologies-based techniques for DataBases and Information Systems (ODBIS 2006), edited by Martine Collard. Seoul, Korea: September 2006.

"House of Security: Locale, Roles and Resources for Ensuring Information Security."

Wee Horng Ang, Yang Lee, Stuart E. Madnick, Dinsha Mistree, Michael D. Siegel, Diane M. Strong, Richard Wang and Chrisy Yao. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Acapulco, Mexico: August 2006.

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