"Here’s How Countries Can Manage the Coming Debt Crisis."

Forbes, Kristin J. Washington Post, June 2020.

"Do Sounder Banks Make Calmer Waters? The Link Between Bank Regulations and Capital Flow Waves."

Forbes, Kristin J. AEA: Papers and Proceedings Vol. 110, (2020): 516-622. Data set.

"Capital Flows, Monetary Policy and Globalisation."

Forbes, Kristin J. Presentation, ECB Colloquium in Honor of Benoît Cœuré, Frankfurt, Germany. December 2019.

"Inflation Dynamics: Dead, Dormant, Or Determined Abroad?"

Kristin J. Forbes. In Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2019 Meetings, Washington, DC: September 2019. Data and Programs. Online Appendices. Download Paper. Brookings blog on the paper.

"Discussion of 'Riders on the Storm' by Òscar Jordà and Alan Taylor."

Kristin J. Forbes. In Symposium on Challenges for Monetary Policy, Jackson Hole, WY: August 2019. Handout. Written comments.

"A Trendy Approach to UK Inflation Dynamics."

Forbes, Kristin J. Lewis Kirkham, and Konstantinos Theodoridis. The Manchester School (2019): 1-53.

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