"The Spillovers, Interactions, and (Un)intended Consequences of Monetary and Regulatory Policies."

Forbes, Kristin J., Dennis Reinhardt, and Tomasz Wieledak. Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 85, (2017): 1-22.

"How the Interaction of Monetary and Regulatory Policies May Have Been Ahead of the Anti-Globalization Backlash."

Forbes, Kristin, Dennis Reinhardt, and Tomasz Wieledak. VoxEU, December 2016.

"​Banking Deglobalisation: A Consequence of Monetary and Regulatory Policies?"

Forbes, Kristin J., Dennis Reinhardt, and Tomasz Wieladek. In Macroprudential Policy, 2016 CBRT/BIS/IMF Conference Proceedings, Basel, Switzerland: September 2016.

"Much Ado About Something Important: How Do Exchange Rate Movements Effect Inflation."

Forbes, Kristin J. The Manchester School Vol. 84, No. S1 (2016): 15-41.

"Wait for Brexit Fog to Clear before Interest Rate Cut."

Forbes, Kristin J. The Telegraph, July 20, 2016.

"​Zero Inflation is Here, but There’s No Need for Soul-Searching."

Forbes, Kristin J. Evening Standard, March 25, 2016.

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