"Bubble Thy Neighbor: Portfolio Effects and Externalities of Capital Controls."

Forbes, Kristin J., Marcel Fratzscher, Thomas Kostka, and Roland Straub. Journal of International Economics Vol. 99, No. 1 (2016): 85-104.

"Using Rules of Thumb for Exchange Rate Pass-through Could be Misleading."

Forbes, Kristin J., Ida Hjortso, and Tsvetelina Nenova. VoxEU, February 12, 2016.

"Avoiding Sunburn and Other Considerations for Interest Rates."

Forbes, Kristin J. The Telegraph, August 16, 2015.

"Capital Controls and Macroprudential Measures: What are They Good For?"

Forbes, Kristin J., Marcel Fratzscher, Thomas Kostka and Roland Straub. Journal of International Economics Vol. 96, No. S1 (2015): S76-S97.

"Debt and Equity-Led Capital Flow Episodes."

Forbes, Kristin J. and Francis Warnock. In Capital Mobility and Monetary Policy, Santiago, Chile: Central Bank of Chile, 2015.

"Pick Your Poison:  The Choices of Consequences of Policy Responses to Crises."

Forbes, Kristin, and Michael Klein. IMF Economic Review Vol. 63, No. 1 (2015): 197-237.

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