"Capital Controls."

Forbes, Kristin J. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Palgrave Macmilan, 2008.

"Comment on 'The Unsustainable U.S. Current Account Position Revisited' by Obstfeld, Maurice and Kenneth Rogoff."

Kristin J. Forbes. In G7 Current Account Imbalances: Sustainability and Adjustment, edited by Richard H. Clarida. Chicago, IL: May 2007.

"The Microeconomic Evidence on Capital Controls: No Free Lunch."

Forbes, Kristin J. In Capital Controls and Capital Flows in Emerging Economics: Policies, Practices, and Consequences, edited by Sebastian Edwards, 171-199. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Available in NBER working paper form. Download Chapter.

"Global Imbalances: A Source of Strength or Weakness?"

Forbes, Kristin J. The Cato Journal Vol. 27, No. 2 (2007): 193-202.

"One Cost of the Chilean Capital Controls: Increased Financial Constraints for Smaller Traded Firms."

Forbes, Kristin J. Journal of International Economics Vol. 71, No. 2 (2007): 294-323. Download Paper.

"The Microeconomic Evidence on Contagion, Capital Controls and Capital Flows."

Forbes, Kristin J. NBER Reporter: Research Summary (2007): 13-15.

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