"Corporate Ombudsmen: An Exploratory National Survey of Purposes and Activities."

James T. Ziegenfuss, Jr., Lee Robbins, and Mary Rowe. In Fourth Annual Corporate Ombudsman Association Meeting, May 1987.

The Corporate Ombudsman Handbook, First Edition.

Rowe, Mary, James Hendry, et al (Eds.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1987.

"The Corporate Ombudsman: An Overview and Analysis."

Rowe, Mary. Negotiation Journal Vol. 3, No. 2 (1987): 127-140.

"The Ombudsman as an Ounce of Prevention."

Roddy, John, and Mary Rowe. Industry, March 1987.

"The Growing Phenomenon of the Ombuds."

Rowe, Mary. Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation Vol. 4, No. 10 (1986): 3-16.

"Firms Should Set Up Task Force to Deal With AIDS in the Workplace."

Rowe, Mary. Los Angeles Times, August 10, 1986.

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