"The Fear of AIDS."

Rowe, Mary, Malcolm Russell-Einhorn, and Michael Baker. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 28-36. Report 86411, July 1986.

"Dealing with the Fear of Aids."

Mary Rowe, manuscript, 1985.

"Review of: The Lecherous Professor: Sexual Harassment on Campus."

Rowe, Mary. by Billie Wright Dziech and Linda Weiner. Journal of Higher Education, 1985.

"Selected Programs and Policies that Promote Sex Equity at Featured Institutions, Table 1."

Mary Rowe. In Toward Equity: An Action Manual for Women in Academia, edited by Karen Bogart. Frederick, MD: June 1984.

"​Are You Hearing Enough Employee Concerns?"

Rowe, Mary, and Michael Baker. Harvard Business Review, May 1984.

"​Dispute Resolution in Scientific Settings: A Systems Approach."

Mary Rowe. Presentation, AAAS, District of Columbia, United States of America. May 1984.

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