"The Non-Union Complaint System at MIT: An Upward-Feedback Mediation Model."

Rowe, Mary. Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation Vol. 2, No. 4 (1984): 10-18. Download Paper.

"Review of: Sexual and Gender Harassment in the Academy: A Guide for Faculty, Students, and Administrators."

Rowe, Mary. by Phyllis Franklin, Helen Moglen, Phyllis Zatlin-Boring, and Ruth Angress. Journal of Higher Education, May 1983.

"Roles of Men and Women in Paid and Unpaid Work in the USA."

Rowe, Mary. In Understanding American Lectures, edited by Abelle Mason, 124-133. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983.

"Building Mentoring Frameworks for Blacks (and other people) as part of an Effective Equal Opportunity Ecology."

Mary Rowe. In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Issues Facing Black Administrators at Predominantly White Colleges and Universities, Cambridge, MA: 1982.

"Dealing with Sexual Harassment."

Rowe, Mary. Harvard Business Review, May 1981.

"​Building Mentorship Frameworks for Women (and Men) as Part of an Effective Equal Opportunity Ecology."

Rowe, Mary. In Sex Discrimination in Higher Education: Strategies for Equality, edited by Jennie Farley, 23-33. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1981.

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