"The Minutiae of Discrimination: The Need for Support."

Rowe, Mary. In Outsiders on the Inside, Women in Organizations, 155-171. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981.

"Working Parents and Child Care: Issues for the 80's."

Mary Rowe. In New Management Initiatives for Working Parents, edited by Clifford Baden and Dana E. Friedman. Boston, MA: 1981.

"The Non-Union Grievance Procedure at MIT: An Upward-Feedback Mediation Model."

Mary P. Rowe, and Clarence G. Williams.

"Managerial Women and Men in a Changing Society— The '80s."

Rowe, Mary, and Mike Beilis. In AT&T Management Forum Series, May 1979.

"The Case of the Valuable Vendors, Subtle Discrimination as a Management Problem."

Rowe, Mary. Harvard Business Review, September 1978.

"Moving Up: Role Models, Mentors, and the Patron System."

Rowe, Mary, Eileen Shapiro, and Florence Haseltine. MIT Sloan Management Review, April 1978.

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