"Dealing with—or Reporting—Unacceptable Behavior."

Rowe, Mary, Linda Wilcox and Howard Gadlin. Journal of the International Ombudsman Association Vol. 2, No. 1 (2009): 52-64.

"Keeping Notes—Writing a Diary."

Mary Rowe.

"Organizational Systems for Dealing with Conflict & Learning from Conflict—an Introduction."

Rowe, Mary, Brian Bloch, and David Miller. Harvard Negotiation Law Review Vol. 14, (2009): 233-239. Download Paper.

"Systems for Dealing with Conflict and Learning from Conflict—Options for Complaint-Handling: an Illustrative Case."

Bloch, Brian, David Miller, and Mary Rowe. Harvard Negotiation Law Review Vol. 14, (2009): 239-247. Download Paper.

"Micro-affirmations & Micro-inequities."

Rowe, Mary. Journal of the International Ombudsman Association Vol. 1, No. 1 (2008): 1-9.

"Comment: How should Galvatrens Strengthen its System for Uncovering Misconduct?"

Rowe, Mary. Harvard Business Review, April 2007. Download Comment.

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