"Fostering Diversity: Some Major Hurdles Remain When the Playing Field is Tilted."

Rowe, Mary. Program Manager, March 1995.

"Comment: What Should I Do with My Problem Employees? A Case Study."

Mary Rowe. In Problems and Solutions in Small Business Management, edited by Catherine Stover. Fort Lauderdale, FL: January 1995.

"People With Delusions or Quasi-Delusions Who ‘Won't Let Go'."

Rowe, Mary. Journal of the University and College Ombuds Association No. 1 (1994): 1-11.

The Corporate Ombudsman Handbook, Second Edition.

Hendry, James, Carole Trocchio, Ann Bensinger, Mary Rowe, and Virg Marti (Eds.). Washington, DC: The Ombudsman Association, 1994.

"The Post-Tailhook Navy Designs an Integrated Dispute Resolution System."

Rowe, Mary. Negotiation Journal Vol. 9, No. 3 (1993): 203-213.

"An Overview of Client and Internal Ombudsmen."

Rowe, Mary. Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration Vol. 15, No. 3 (1993): 259-260.

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