"Income-Distributional Concerns in Regulatory Policymaking: Comment."

Schmalensee, Richard L. Studies in Public Regulation, September 1981.

"Monopolistic Two-Part Pricing Arrangements."

Schmalensee, Richard L. Bell Journal of Economics Vol. 12, No. 2 (1981): 445-466.

"Risk and Return on Long-Lived Tangible Assets."

Schmalensee, Richard L. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 9, No. 2 (1981): 185-205.

"Output and Welfare Implications of Monopolistic Third-Degree Price Discrimination."

Schmalensee, Richard L. American Economic Review Vol. 71, No. 1 (1981): 242-247.


Schmalensee, Richard L. The Conglomerate Corporation, 1981.

"Chapter 8: Cartel and Oligopoly Pricing of Nonreplenishable Natural Resources."

Lewis, Tracy R., Richard L. Schmalensee. In Dynamic Optimization and Mathematical Economics, edited by Pan-Tai Liu, 133-156. New York, NY: Plenum, 1980.

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