The Future of Solar Energy.

Schmalensee, Richard L. (Chair). Cambridge, MA: MIT Energy Initiative, 2015.

"An Instant Classic: Rochet & Tirole, Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets."

Schmalensee, Richard L. CPI Journal Vol. 10, No. 2 (2014): 175-180.

"Deregulation: Introduction and Overview."

Schmalensee, Richard L. In The Causes and Effects of Deregulation, edited by Paul W. MacAvoy and Richard L. Schmalensee, IX-XV. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2014.

The Causes and Effects of Deregulation, Volumes I and II.

MacAvoy, Paul, and Richard L. Schmalensee (Eds.). Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar, 2014.

"Chapter 5: The Future of the (U.S.) Electric Grid."

Jacoby, Henry D., John Kassakian, and Richard L. Schmalensee. In Handbook on Energy and Climate Change, edited by Roger Fouquet, 125-139. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2013.

"Summary for Policy Makers."

Mort Webster, and Richard L. Schmalensee. In Report from Growing Concerns, Possible Solutions: The Interdependency of Natural Gas and Electricity Systems, Cambridge, MA: April 2013.

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