"Why is Platform Pricing Generally Highly Skewed."

Schmalensee, Richard L. Review of Network Economics Vol. 10, No. 4 (2011): 1-2.

"AT&T/T-Mobile: Does Efficiency Really Count?"

Chang, Howard, David S. Evans, and Richard L. Schmalensee. Competition Policy International, October 2011.

"Jeffrey Rohlfs’ 1974 Model of Facebook: An Introduction."

Schmalensee, Richard L. Competition Policy International Vol. 7, (2011): 301-312.

"The Net Effects of the Proposed Durbin Fee Reductions on Consumers and Small Business."

Evans, David S., Robert E. Litan, and Richard L. Schmalensee. The Lydian Journal Vol. 5, No. 5 (2011): 1-5.

The Future of the Electric Grid.

Kassakian, John G., and Richard L. Schmalensee (Co-chairs). Cambridge, MA: MIT Energy Initiative, 2011.

"Failure to Launch: Critical Mass in Platform Businesses."

Evans, David S., and Richard L. Schmalensee. Review of Network Economics Vol. 9, No. 4 (2010): 1-2.

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