"Payment Systems and Interchange Fees."

Schmalensee, Richard L. Journal of Industrial Economics Vol. 50, No. 2 (2002): 103-122.

"Comments on 'Antitrust Policy in the Clinton Administration'."

Schmalensee, Richard L. American Economic Policy in the 1990s, April 2002.

"Chapter 1: Some Economic Aspects of Antitrust Analysis in Dynamically Competitive Industries."

Evans, David S., and Richard L. Schmalensee. In Innovation Policy and the Economy, edited by Adam Jaffe, Josh Lerner, and Scott Stern, 1-49. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

"Lessons from the Microsoft Case."

Schmalensee, Richard L. European Investment Bank Lecture Series, 2002.

"The Economics of the Microsoft Case: A Post-Trial Primer."

Schmalensee, Richard L. In Trial and Error: United States v. Microsoft, edited by Erick R. Gustafson and Paul Beckner, 70-86. Washington, D.C.: Citizens for a Sound Economy, 2001.

"An Analysis of the Government’s Economic Case in U.S. v. Microsoft."

Evans, David S., Albert L. Nichols, and Richard L. Schmalensee. Antitrust Bulletin Vol. 46, (2001): 163-251. Reprint, 2002.

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