"Gijutsu no Gurobaruka to R&D no Kokusaika (The Globalization of Technology and the Internationalization of R&D)."

Westney, D. Eleanor. Hitotsubashi Business Review Vol. 37, No. 2 (1990): 30-40.

"The Globalization of Technology and the Internationalization of R&D."

D. Eleanor Westney.

"Isomorphism, Institutionalization, and the Multinational Enterprise."

D. Eleanor Westney. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Organization Theory and the Multinational Enterprise, San Diego, CA: October 1988.

"The Role of Japan-Based R&D in Global Technology Strategy."

Westney, D. Eleanor and Kiyonori Sakakibara. In Reading in the Management Innovation, Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1988.

"Adding Value in an Information Function: The Case of Competitor Information."

Sumantra Ghoshal and D. Eleanor Westney. In Management in the 90's Project, May 1988.

"Assessments of the Competitor Information Function in the Very Large Scale Organization."

Sumantra Ghoshal and D. Eleanor Westney. In Management in the 90's Project, May 1988.

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