"Do US Firms Have an Incentive to Comply with the FLSA and the NLRA?"

Stansbury, Anna, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6462-21. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, June 2021.

"Employer Concentration Suppresses Wages for Several Million U.S. Workers."

Anna Stansbury. Washington, DC: January 2021.

"U.S. Workers Need More Power."

Summers, Lawrence H., and Anna Stansbury. The Washington Post, June 28, 2020.

"Declining Worker Power Vs. Rising Monopoly Power."

Stansbury, Anna, and Lawrence H. Summers. Voxeu.org, June 2, 2020.

"Under the Wage Floor: Exploring firms’ incentives to comply with the minimum wage."

Lindsay Judge and Anna Stansbury. Resolution Foundation, January 2020. Download Note.

"Under the Wage Floor: Exploring Firms’ Incentives to Comply With the Minimum Wage."

Judge, Lindsay, and Anna Stansbury. Resolution Foundation Briefing, January 2020.

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