"Moving Job Interviews Out of Bedrooms Matters."

Stansbury, Anna. Bloomberg Opinion, September 6, 2019.

"Whither Central Banking?"

Summers, Lawrence H., and Anna Stansbury. Project Syndicate, August 23, 2019.

"Want to Boost U.S. Productivity? Tackle Inequality."

Stansbury, Anna. Bloomberg Opinion, July 23, 2019.

"What Marco Rubio Gets Right – and Wrong – About the Decline in American Investment."

Summers, Lawrence H., and Anna Stansbury. The Washington Post, May 31, 2019.

"Chapter 8: Productivity and Pay: Is the Link Broken."

Stansbury, Anna, and Lawrence H. Summers. In Facing Up to Low Productivity Growth, edited by Adam S. Posen and Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Washington, D.C.: Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2019. SSRN Preprint.

"Central Bank Independence Revisited: After the financial crisis, what should a model central bank look like?"

Balls, Ed, James Howat, and Anna Stansbury, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6430-18. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2018. Download Paper.