"Estimating Probabilities of Success of Clinical Trials for Vaccines and Other Anti‐Infective Therapeutics."

Wong, Chi Heem, Kien Wei Siah, and Andrew W. Lo. Harvard Data Science Review Vol. S1, (2020): 1-47. Download Paper.

"The Challenging Economics of Vaccine Development in the Age of COVID-19, and What Can Be Done About It."

Vu, Jonathan, Ben Kaplan, Shomesh E. Chaudhuri, Monique Mansoura, and Andrew W. Lo. DIA Global Forum, May 2020.

"Fair and Responsible Drug Pricing: A Case Study of Radius Health and Abaloparatide."

Xu, Qingyang, and Andrew W. Lo. Journal of Investment Management Vol. 18, No. 1 (2020): 90-98.

"Commentary: Why Artificial Intelligence May Not Be As Useful or As Challenging As Artificial Stupidity."

Lo, Andrew W. Harvard Data Science Review, December 2019.

"Funding Long Shots."

Hull, John, Andrew W. Lo, and Roger M. Stein. Journal of Investment Management Vol. 17, No. 4 (2019): 1-33. SSRN Preprint.

"The Visible Hand – Book Review."

Lo, Andrew W. Review of The Guidance of an Enterprise Economy, by Martin Shubik and Eric Smith. Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, December 2019.

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