"Computer-Aided Monitoring: Its Influence on Employee Job Satisfaction and Turnover."

Chalykoff, John and Thomas A. Kochan. Personnel Psychology Vol. 42, No. 4 (1989): 807-834.

"Beware of the Return to the Labor Wars."

Kochan, Thomas A. The Boston Globe, March 1989.

"Future Directions for American Labor and Human Resources Policy."

Kochan, Thomas A. and Robert B. McKersie. Relations Industrielles Vol. 44, No. 1 (1989): 224-248.

"Enhancing Industrial Relations Innovations in the United States."

Kochan, Thomas A. In New Departures in Industrial Relations: Developments in the U.S., the U.K., 5-10. Washington, DC: National Planning Association, 1988.

"Looking to the Year 2000: Challenges for Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management."

Thomas A. Kochan. In Perspective 2000. Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Economic Council of Canada, edited by J.P. Voyer , Keith Newton , and Thomas T. Schweitzer . Ottawa, Canada : December 1988.

"On the Human Side of Technology."

Kochan, Thomas A. ICL Technical Journal (1988): 391-400.

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