"Disney Worlds: Culture on the Move."

Van Maanen, John. Hallinnon Tutkimus Vol. 3, (1991): 227-238.

"Drinking Our Troubles Away: Managing Conflict in a British Police Agency."

Van Maanen, John. In Hidden Conflict in Organizations, edited by D. Kolb and J.M. Bartunek, 78-99. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991.

"The Smile Factory: Work at Disneyland."

Van Maanen, John. In Reframing Organizational Culture, edited by Craig C. Lundberg, Joanne Martin, Larry F. Moore, Meryl Reis Louis, and Peter J. Frost, 58-76. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991.

"Escape From Modernity: On the Repair of Ethnography and the Ethnography of Repair."

Van Maanen, John. Human Studies Vol. 13, No. 1 (1990): 275-284.

"Great Moments in Ethnography."

Van Maanen, John. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography Vol. 19, (1990): 3-9.

"Playing Back the Tape: Early Days in the Field."

Van Maanen, John. In Experiencing Fieldwork: An Inside View of Qualitative Research, edited by R.A. Stebbins and W.B. Shaffir, 31-42. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990.

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