"The Consumption Risk of the Stock Market."

Parker, Jonathan A. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Vol. 33, No. 2 (2001): 279-348. JSTOR.

"The Empirical Importance of Precautionary Saving."

Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier, and Jonathan A. Parker. American Economic Review Vol. 91, No. 2 (2001): 406-412. NBER Working Paper. JSTOR.

"Discussion of: Real Estate and the Macroeconomy."

Jonathan A. Parker.

"Spendthrift in America? On two decades of decline in the U.S. saving rate."

Parker, Jonathan A. In NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1999, 317-370. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. JSTOR.

"Comment on Karl E. Case, 'Real Estate and the Macroeconomy'."

Parker, Jonathan A. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Vol. 2000, No. 2 (2000): 150-158. JSTOR.

"The Reaction of Household Consumption to Predictable Changes in Social Security Taxes."

Parker, Jonathan A. American Economic Review Vol. 89, No. 4 (1999): 959-973. JSTOR.

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