"What Happened in Cyprus? The Economic Consequences of the Last Communist Government in Europe."

Orphanides, Athanasios. In The Cyprus Bail-In: Policy Lessons from the Cyprus Economic Crisis, London, UK: Imperial College Press, 2016.

"The Euro Area Crisis Five Years After the Original Sin."

Orphanides, Athanasios. Credit and Capital Markets Vol. 48, No. 4 (2015): 535-565.

"The Euro Area Crisis Five Years After the Original Sin."

Orphanides, Athanasios, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5147-15. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, October 2015.

"Discussion of 'Is Optimal Monetary Policy Always Optimal?'."

Orphanides, Athanasios. International Journal of Central Banking Vol. 2015, No. 4 (2015): 385-393.

"The Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty, Rules and Discretion in Monetary Policy Normalization."

Orphanides, Athanasios. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review Vol. 97, No. 3 (2015): 173-196.

"Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty, Rules and Discretion in Monetary Policy Normalization."

Orphanides, Athanasios, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5142-15. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, August 2015.

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