"Fast Polyhedral Adaptive Conjoint Estimation."

Toubia, Olivier, Duncan Simester, John R. Hauser, and Ely Dahan. Marketing Science Vol. 22, No. 3 (2003): 273-303.

"Effects of $9 Price Endings on Retail Sales: Evidence from Field Experiments."

Anderson, Eric T. and Duncan Simester. Quantitative Marketing and Economics Vol. 1, No. 1 (2003): 93-110.

"Direct and Indirect Bargaining Costs and the Scope of the Firm."

Simester, Duncan and Marc Knez. Journal of Business Vol. 75, No. 2 (2002): 283-304.

"Making Across-the-Board Incentives Work."

Simester, Duncan and Marc Knez. Harvard Business Review, February 2002.

"Firm-Wide Incentives and Mutual Monitoring at Continental Airlines."

Knez, Marc and Duncan Simester. Journal of Labor Economics Vol. 19, No. 4 (2001): 743-772.

"Research Note: Price Discrimination as a Signal: Why an Offer to Spread Payments May Hurt Demand."

Anderson, Eric T. and Duncan Simester. Marketing Science Vol. 20, No. 3 (2001): 315-327.

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