"Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing Science and Field Experiments."

Nelson, Leif, Duncan Simester, and K. Sudhir. Marketing Science Vol. 39, No. 6 (2020): 1033-1038.

"Efficiently Evaluating Targeting Policies: Improving Upon Champion vs. Challenger Experiments."

Simester, Duncan, Artem Timoshenko, and Spyros Zoumpoulis. Management Science Vol. 66, No. 8 (2020): 3295-3798.

"Targeting Prospective Customers: Robustness of Machine Learning Methods to Typical Data Challenges."

Simester, Duncan, Artem Timoshenko, and Spyros I. Zoumpoulis. Management Science Vol. 66, No. 6 (2020): 2291-2799.

"The Surprising Breadth of the Harbingers of Failure."

Simester, Duncan, Catherine Tucker, and Clair Yang. Journal of Marketing Research Vol. 56, No. 6 (2019): 1034-1049.

"Informational Rigidities and the Stickiness of Temporary Sales."

Anderson, Eric, Benjamin A. Malin, Emi Nakamura, Duncan Simester, and Jón Steinsson. Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 90, No. 1 (2017): 64-83.

"Field Experiments in Marketing (Volume 1)."

Simester, Duncan. In Handbook of Economic Field Experiments, edited by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, 465-497. Holland, Netherlands: Elsevier, 2017.

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