"Product and Process Innovation in a Changing Competitive Environment."

Utterback, James M. In Industrial Innovation: Technology, Policy, Diffusion, edited by Michael Baker, 135-147. London, England : MacMillan Press, 1979.

"Government and the Innovation Process."

Hollomon, Herbert, James M. Utterback and et al. MIT Technology Review, May 1979.

"A General Model: Innovation and Process Change in a Productive Unit."

Utterback, James M. and William J. Abernathy. In The Productivity Dilemma: Roadblock to Change in the Auto Industry, edited by William J. Abernathy, 147-182. Baltimore, Maryland: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978.

"Environmental Analysis and Forecasting."

Utterback, James M. In Business Policy and Planning: A New View, edited by Charles Hofer and Dan Schendel, 134-143. Boston, Massachusetts: Little-Brown and Co., 1978.

"Management of Technology."

Utterback, James M. In Studies in Operations Management, edited by Arnoldo Hax, 137-160. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1978.

"PatternsĀ of Industrial Innovation."

Abernathy, William J. and James M. Utterback. MIT Technology Review, July 1978.

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