"A Longitudinal Study of Communication in Research: Technical and Managerial Influences."

Taylor, Robert and James M. Utterback. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Vol. EM-22, No. 2 (1975): 80-87.

"Successful Industrial Innovation: A Multivariate Analysis."

Utterback, James M. Decision Sciences Vol. 6, No. 1 (1975): 65-77.

"Innovation and the Diffusion of Technology."

Utterback, James M. Science Vol. 183, No. 4125 (1974): 620-626.

"The Process of Technological Innovation Within the Firm."

Utterback, James M. In Organizational and Managerial Innovation: A Reader, edited by Lloyd A. Rowe and William B. Boise, 241-252. Pasadena, California: Goodyear Publishing Company, Inc., 1973.

"Adoption of Innovations by Industrial Organizations."

O’Neal, Charles, Hans B. Thorelli and James M. Utterback. Industrial Marketing Management Vol. 2, No. 3 (1973): 235-250.

"Monitoring for Technological Opportunities."

Utterback, James M. and James W. Brown. Business Horizons, October 1972.

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