"Forecasting Sales of a New Consumer Durable: A Prelaunch Modeling and Measurement Methodology."

John R. Hauser, John H. Roberts, and Glen L. Urban. In Advances and Practices of Marketing Science, edited by Fred S. Zufryden. Providence, RI: 1983.

"Prelaunch Forecasting of New Consumer Durables: Ideas on a Consumer Value-Priority Model."

Hauser, John R. and Glen L. Urban. In Analytic Approaches to Product and Market Planning, Vol. 2, 276-296. Cambridge, MA: Marketing Science Institute, 1982.

"Assessment of Attribute Importances and Consumer Utility Functions: von Neumann-Morgenstern Theory Applied to Consumer Behavior."

Hauser, John R., and Glen Urban. Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 5, No. 4 (1979): 251-262. Download Paper.

"Pretest Market Evaluation of New Packaged Goods: A Model and Measurement Methodology."

Silk, Alvin and Glen Urban. Journal of Marketing Research Vol. 15, No. 2 (1978): 171-191.

"Management and Behaviorial Science in New Products."

Urban, Glen. In Management and Behavioral Science in Marketing, 181-188. New York, NY: Ronald Press, 1978.

"A Normative Methodology for Modeling Consumer Response to Innovation."

Hauser, John R., and Glen Urban. Operations Research Vol. 25, No. 4 (1977): 579-619.

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