"Digital Economics."

Goldfarb, Avi, and Catherine Tucker. Journal of Economic Literature Vol. 57, No. 1 (2019): 3-43. SSRN. Download Paper.

"Antitrust and Costless Verification: An Optimistic and a Pessimistic View of the Implications of Blockchain Technology."

Catalini, Christian and Catherine Tucker. Antitrust Law Journal Vol. 82, No. 3 (2019): 1-10.

"Privacy Protection, Personalized Medicine, and Genetic Testing."

Miller, Amalia R., and Catherine Tucker. Management Science Vol. 64, No. 10 (2018): 4648-4668.

"Network Effects and Market Power: What Have We Learned in the Last Decade?"

Tucker, Catherine. Antitrust, April 2018.

"Advertising to Early Trend Propagators: Evidence from Twitter."

Lambrecht, Anja, Catherine Tucker, and Caroline Wiertz. Marketing Science Vol. 37, No. 2 (2018): 177-199.

"Impacts of Surveillance on Behavior."

Marthews, Alex, and Catherine Tucker. In Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law, edited by David C. Gray and Stephen Henderson, 437-454. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

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