"Robust Controls for Network Revenue Management."

Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. MSOM Vol. 12, No. 1 (2010): 56-76. Appendix.

"A Dynamic Travel Time Models for Spillback."

Kachani, Soulaymane and Georgia Perakis. Networks and Spatial Economics Vol. 9, No. 4 (2009): 595-618.

"Optimal Bidding in Online Auctions."

Bertsimas, Dimitris, Jeffrey Hawkins and Georgia Perakis. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management Vol. 8, No. 1 (2009): 21-41.

"Profit Loss in Differentiated Oligopolies."

Farahat, Amr and Georgia Perakis. Operations Research Letters Vol. 37, No. 1 (2009): 43-46.

"Multiperiod Models with Capacities in Competitive Supply Chain."

Perakis, Georgia and Marina Zaretsky. Production and Operations Management Journal Vol. 17, No. 4 (2008): 439-454.

"The Price of Anarchy in Supply Chains; Quantifying the Efficiency of Price-Only Contracts."

Perakis, Georgia and Guillaume Roels. Management Science Vol. 53, No. 8 (2007): 1249-1268.

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