"Automotive Industry: Internet-Driven Innovation and Economic Performance."

Fine, Charles H. and D. Raff. In The Economic Payoff from the Internet Revolution, edited by Alice Rivlin and Robert Litan, Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press, 2001.

"Clockspeed-based Strategies for Supply Chain Design."

Fine, Charles H. Production and Operations Management Vol. 9, No. 3 (2000): 213–221.

"Upstream Volatility in the Supply Chain: The Machine Tool Industry as a Case Study."

Anderson, Edward G., Charles H. Fine, G. Parker. Production and Operations Management Vol. 9, No. 3 (2000): 239-261.

"Industry Clockspeed and Competency Chain Design."

Fine, Charles H. In Automation in Automotive Industries, edited by A. Camuffo, A. Comacchio, and G. Volpato, 6-10. New York, NY: Springer, 1999.

"Is the Make-Buy Decision Process a Core Competence?"

D. Whitney and Charles H. Fine. In Logistics in the Information Age, edited by Kulwant Pawar and Moreno Muffatto, 31-63. Padova, Italy: Servizi Grafici Editoriali, 1999.

"Manufacturing Technology Sourcing Practices in the USA."

Baines, T.S., Charles H. Fine and D. E. Whitney. International Journal of Production Research Vol. 37, No. 4 (1999): 939-956.

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