Elavia, Tony, S.P. Kothari, Xu Li and Haifeng You. Journal of Portfolio Management Vol. 48, No. 3 (2022): 199-218. Online Appendix. SSRN Preprint.
Kothari, S.P., Travis L. Johnson, and Eric So, Working Paper. December 2021.
He, Xianjie, S.P. Kothari, Tusheng Xiao, and Luo Zuo. The Accounting Review Vol. 93, No. 6 (2018): 203-229.
Pozen, Robert, and S.P. Kothari. Harvard Business Review, July 2017.
Kothari, SP, Eric So, and Rodrigo Verdi. Annual Review of Financial Economics Vol. 8, (2016): 197-219.
Jayaraman, Sudarshan, and S.P. Kothari. The Accounting Review Vol. 91, No. 2 (2016): 535-558.