"ISO and the Success of Regulation through Voluntary Consensus."

Murphy, Craig N., and JoAnne Yates. In Business and Global Governance, 200-217. London, UK: Routledge Press, 2010.

"ISO 26000: Fulfilling the Social Promise of Voluntary Consensus Standard Setting? Part I."

Craig N. Murphy and JoAnne Yates. In Proceedings of the ISA - ABRI Joint International Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: July 2009.

The International Organization for Standardization (IS0): Global governance through voluntary consensus.

Murphy, Craig N. and JoAnne Yates. London, UK: Routledge Press, 2009.

"Charles Le Maistre: Entrepreneur in International Standardization."

Yates, JoAnne, and Craig N. Murphy. Entreprise et Histoires Vol. 51, No. 2 (2008): 10-27.

"The PowerPoint Presentation and its Corollaries: How Genres Shape Communicative Action in Organizations."

Yates, JoAnne, and Wanda J. Orlikowski. In Communicative Practices in Workplace and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations, edited by Charlotte Thralls and Mark Zachry, 67-91. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing, 2007.

"The Beginnings."

Yates, JoAnne, and Christine Kelly. Management Communication Quarterly Vol. 20, (2007): 432-436.

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