"4.0 Lab: Inventing the Future of Food, Finance, Health, Ed & Management."

Scharmer, Otto. The Blog. The Huffington Post, June 2017.

"Transforming Capitalism: 7 Acupuncture Points."

Scharmer, Otto. The Blog. The Huffington Post, April 2017.

Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges.

Scharmer, Otto. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016.

"Die Universität als Ort der Erneuerung."

Scharmer, Otto. In Die Aufgabe der Bildung: Aussichten der Universität, 225-234. London, UK: Metropolis Verlag, 2016.

"WAS KÖNNEN WIR TUN? Das Herz eines neuen Aktivismus."

Scharmer, Otto. Evolve Magazin, 2016.

"Awareness-Based Action Research: Catching Social Reality Creation in Flight."

Scharmer, Otto and Katrin Kaufer. In The SAGE Handbook of Action Research, 3rd Edition, edited by Hilary Bradbury, 199-210. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015.

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