"Accounting for Accounts: Crafting Ethnographic Validity through Team Ethnography."

Evans, Joelle, Ruthanne Huising, and Susan S. Silbey. In Handbook of Qualitative in Organizations, edited by Kimberly D. Elsbach and Roderick M. Kramer, 143-155. New York, NY: Routledge, 2015.

"The Elephant in the Room: Constraints and Consequences of a Four-year Undergraduate Engineering Degree."

Silbey, Susan S. Engineering Studies Vol. 7, No. 2-3 (2015): 164-167. Download Paper from DSpace.

"The Availability of Law Redux: The Correlation of Rights and Duties."

Silbey, Susan S. Law & Society Review Vol. 48, No. 2 (2014): 297-310.

"Governing Inside the Organization: Interpreting Regulation and Compliance."

Gray, Garry and Susan S. Silbey. American Journal of Sociology Vol. 120, No. 1 (2014): 96-145. Download Paper from DSpace.

"The Courts in American Public Culture."

Silbey, Susan S. Daedalus, the Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Vol. 143, No. 3 (2014): 140-156.

"Constructing Consequences for Compliance The Case of Academic Laboratories."

Huising, Ruthanne, and Susan S. Silbey. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Vol. 649, No. 1 (2013): 157-177.

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