"When Speeding Concepts to Market Can Be A Mistake."

Utterback, James M., Marc Meyer, Timothy Tuff and Lisa Richardson. TIMS Interfaces Vol. 22, No. 4 (1992): 7-13.

"The Emergence of a New Supercomputer Architecture."

Afuah, Alan and James M. Utterback. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol. 40, No. 4 (1991): 315-328.

"Current Status and Future of Structural Panels in the Wood Products Industry."

Montrey, Henry and James Utterback M. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol. 39, No. 4 (1990): 15-35.

"U.S. Research and Development: an International Comparative Analysis."

Slaughter, Sarah and James M. Utterback. Business in the Contemporary World, January 1990.

"Corporate Renewal."

Utterback, James M. International Journal of Technology Management Vol. 4, No. 6 (1989): 625-630.

"The Evolution of Organization Structure and Technology in a Developing Country."

Linsu, Kim and James M. Utterback. In Management behind Industrialization: Readings in Korean Business, edited by Dong-Ki Kim and Linsu Kim, 194-214. Seoul, South Korea: Korea University Press, 1989.

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