"Bargaining from the Boardroom."

Wilmers, Nathan. by Sanford M. Jacoby. LERA Perspectives on Work, January 2021.

Faculty: Nathan Wilmers
"How to Keep Hybrid Work from Burning Everyone Out."

Kelly, Erin L. and Phyllis Moen. The Boston Globe, May 28, 2021.

Faculty: Erin Kelly
"A Blueprint for Designing Hybrid Work Policies."

Kelly, Erin L., and Phyllis Moen. Fortune.com, May 17, 2021.

Faculty: Erin Kelly
"Employer Concentration Suppresses Wages for Several Million U.S. Workers."

Anna Stansbury. Washington, DC: January 2021.

Faculty: Anna Stansbury
"How Biden Can Heal America’s Divisions at Work."

Kochan, Thomas and Barbara Dyer. The Hill, November 25, 2020.

Faculty: Thomas Kochan
"Book Review."

Wilmers, Nathan. Review of LERA Work and Occupations, by J. Fine, L. Burnham, K. Griffith, M. Ji, V. Narro, and S. Pitts. LERA Work and Occupations, November 2020.

Faculty: Nathan Wilmers
"Skill Training for Adults."

Paul Osterman. In MIT Work of the Future, Research Brief, Cambridge, MA: October 2020.

Faculty: Paul Osterman
"Six Labor Policies We Need Now."

Kelly, Erin L., Emilio J. Castilla, Thomas A. Kochan, Barbara Dyer, Paul Osterman, and Nathan Wilmers. Boston Review, September 4, 2020.

Faculty: Erin Kelly
"Worker Voice, Representation, and Implications for Public Policies."

Kochan, Thomas. Research Brief. In MIT Task Force on the Work of the Future, Cambridge, MA: July 2020. Download Paper.

Faculty: Thomas Kochan
"U.S. Workers Need More Power."

Summers, Lawrence H., and Anna Stansbury. The Washington Post, June 28, 2020.

Faculty: Anna Stansbury
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