Ideas Made to Matter Government

Negative income tax, explained


Could a negative income tax replace the welfare system?

Feb 7, 2018
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

New study: Gentrification triggered 16 percent drop in city crime


Researchers examined Cambridge, Massachusetts, following the end of rent control in 1995.

Dec 21, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Sustainability

Clean Power Plan repeal won't save coal


Cheap natural gas, not federal regulation, has strained the industry most.

Oct 12, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Digital Economy

Uber and Lyft partner with Boston transit agency to provide on-demand rides to disabled residents


The partnership so far has provided savings of approximately $40,000 for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.

Mar 14, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter

Fed up? Call Congress. Fifty Nifty will help.


A new MIT project makes it easier to call your representatives, and to have your say.

Mar 13, 2017
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Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

From labor secretary, six ways to preserve the middle class


Thomas Perez talks unions, family leave with MIT Sloan students.

May 2, 2016
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Ideas Made to Matter

The perils of building democracy in Africa 

Can a get-out-the-vote effort decrease voter trust? A new study from Kenya says "yes."

Jan 21, 2016
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Ideas Made to Matter Economy

Mixed results for the nation’s third-largest corporate tax break

Did the Domestic Production Activities Deduction work?

Jul 9, 2015
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