MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Government Credit in the Spotlight


It is the rare journalist who tackles the topic of government credit programs and their ills. Rarer still is a popular account that accurately brings these complicated issues to life. Kudos to Michael Grunwald, who writing for Politico, did just that. I highly recommend his article. (Note that to ge...

Jan 26, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Unfunded State and Local Healthcare Benefits, the Elephant in the Room?


Last week Bob Pozen, a Visiting Senior Lecturer here at MIT Sloan with a distinguished background in government, business and education gave an eye-opening lunch talk. The topic was “Other Post-Employment Benefits” or OPEBs—which is accounting jargon for the liabilities governments incur for retiree...

Dec 16, 2014
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

VOX post on putting an accurate price tag on government credit support


CFP Director Deborah Lucas posted this guest blogpost on the Center for Economic Policy Research portal VOX: “Putting an accurate price tag on government credit support.”

Dec 11, 2014
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Speaker Amir Yaron “Why does Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Offer Super Return?”


Please join us to hear Amir Yaron discuss “Why does Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Offer Super Return?”

Dec 2, 2014
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