MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Crowd-sourcing a better definition of a SIFI


The MIT Center for Finance and Policy recently announced the winners [...]

Mar 1, 2016
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

China’s Growing Local Government Debt Levels


High rates of debt growth by local governments are a cause for concern in any country. In China, where recent turmoil in the equity and foreign-exchange markets has put a spotlight on that country’s economy and growth prospects, increasing levels of borrowing by provincial and other lower levels of ...

Jan 27, 2016
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Andrew Lo on TEDxCambridge – Can Financial Engineering Cure Cancer?


We are making breakthroughs almost weekly in our understanding of cancer and other deadly diseases, both in how to treat and – in some cases – how to cure them [...]

Nov 13, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Visiting CFP scholar Tanyeri explores public bank performance


Başak Tanyeri, an Assistant Professor of Finance at Bilkent University, visited the CFP this summer to pursue a new research project evaluating the performance of public banks. Using a large and newly available [...]

Sep 10, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Opacity in Checking Government Loan Cost Accuracy


The U.S. government’s ubiquitous role providing credit—mostly to students and homeowners—in the post-financial crisis economy is unmistakable but the ultimate costs to taxpayers can be far from obvious. While nearly all of the deliberation and debate about the price of extending government credit is...

Sep 9, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Who pays when Greece defaults on the IMF?


Greece recently failed to pay $1.7 billion due to the IMF, thereby becoming the first developed country to default on an IMF loan. That missed payment represents only a portion of the approximately $23 billion in IMF credit outstanding to Greece, suggesting the ultimate losses to the Fund could be m...

Jul 20, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Fair Value in Play for 2016 U.S. Budget Process


A recent topic of debate in the U.S. budget community centers on how the federal government should estimate the cost of providing loans to various borrowers such as students and homebuyers. Currently costs are assessed assuming that the government’s cost of capital is equal to the Treasury rate. Pro...

May 21, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Government Credit in the Spotlight


It is the rare journalist who tackles the topic of government credit programs and their ills. Rarer still is a popular account that accurately brings these complicated issues to life. Kudos to Michael Grunwald, who writing for Politico, did just that. I highly recommend his article. (Note that to ge...

Jan 26, 2015
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

Unfunded State and Local Healthcare Benefits, the Elephant in the Room?


Last week Bob Pozen, a Visiting Senior Lecturer here at MIT Sloan with a distinguished background in government, business and education gave an eye-opening lunch talk. The topic was “Other Post-Employment Benefits” or OPEBs—which is accounting jargon for the liabilities governments incur for retiree...

Dec 16, 2014
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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Public Policy

VOX post on putting an accurate price tag on government credit support


CFP Director Deborah Lucas posted this guest blogpost on the Center for Economic Policy Research portal VOX: “Putting an accurate price tag on government credit support.”

Dec 11, 2014
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