Ideas Made to Matter Financial Markets

Categorical thinking can lead to investing errors


New research provides insight on when and why investors rely on indexes or categories to make decisions rather than investigating each individual stock.

May 6, 2024
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Press Source: MarketWatch

Economists react to Trump possibly curbing Fed's independence: 'Bad idea...

"Countries that have experimented with political 'consultation' on monetary policy have experienced prolonged periods of inflation."

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Press Source: Finance & History Podcast

Failing banks

What we are trying to understand is what do bank failures look like throughout history and which theories are most consistent with that history.

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Ideas Made to Matter Finance

Financial services’ deliberate approach to AI


Executives from financial services firms discuss early adoption of AI in the industry, reasons for caution, and the benefits of partnering with fintechs.

May 1, 2024
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Press Source: Bankshot by American Banker

Buy the people: Two visions, one rule – How Basel injected populism into...

"Banks should be required to have buffers of capital, so if they suffer some losses, it doesn't immediately become a solvency crisis."

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MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy Digital Economy

MIT GCFP and MIT DCI co-host talk by President of Deutsche Bundesbank


"Digital Euro: Vision, Advancements, and Challenges"

Apr 17, 2024
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Press Source: Grist

Georgia's Vogtle plant could herald the beginning — or end — of a new nu...

"Nuclear, if we can do it, is a valuable contribution to the system, but we need to learn how to do it cheaper than we've done so far."

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Press Source: Bloomberg Podcasts

Ed Hyman on Financial Data Resources | Masters in Business

Bloomberg Radio host Barry Ritholtz speaks with Ed Hyman (SM '69), founder and chairman of Evercore ISI and vice chairman of Evercore Inc.

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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

Can generative AI provide trusted financial advice?


Generative AI has the potential to provide smart, tailored financial guidance, early research from MIT Sloan economist Andrew Lo suggests.

Apr 8, 2024
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